Read Automatic Cup Removers

Donald Engineering works with Read Industrial and is suppliers of Read Industrial Cup Removers. Electronic cup removers simplify the operators’ workload, helping to reduce staff numbers needed in the dairy shed. Automatic cup removers ease the milking for your stock, as it automatically manages vacuum application, which includes the end of milking detection. As a result, milking is gentler on the teat and this helps to reduce tissue damage that might increase the chances of mastitis and elevate the somatic cell count.
Read Industrial Automatic Cup Removers
Read Industrial electronic cup removers have several innovations that make them useful for the milking operator. The simple act of lifting the cups is sufficient to trigger the beginning of milking. This conveniently starts an auto start feature. The auto start triggers cluster release, as well as cup end vacuum, and bail arm lowering.
Lifting the cups is can trigger a series of events that obey a number of fixed parameters. These parameters are easily accessible via a simple touchscreen device connected to each Electronic Cup Remover. Other features you might find useful as a milk operator are the automated cluster air sweep and kick off alert. Plus, the automatic cluster retraction because it occurs with minimal udder stress and helps to prevent contamination in the milk line.
Parameters you can set with Read Industrial Electronic Cup Removers:
- Let down delay
- Milk flow detection
- Milk sensor sensitivity
- Cluster vacuum turn off delay
- Kick off alert, or minimum milking time
- Maximum milking time
- Cluster park to milk sweep delay
- Cluster milk purge sweep time
- Retention bar delay time
- Auto cluster part-time delay
- Air sweep on/off and duration
Programming Read Industrial Electronic Cup Removers is easy (they’re made to be used by dairy farmers, not computer specialists). They have a touchscreen computer unit and because they all connect via a controller area network, they are all updated at the same time. Programming is both quick and easy. The system is scalable, ranging from a 36 bail system to 100 bails, with the ability for exceptions. Simplify your milking with automated cluster and bail arm control and free up dairy farm operators to do other things, with Read Industrial Electronic Cup Removers.